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August 2, 2019

Soon, teachers will be in mourning while parents throw back-to-school parties.  Pools have about a month before the annual dog swim day followed by draining the hair filled, odd smelling water.  Fall will be here before you know it…then winter…then the New Year’s Resolutions about how you’ll be in better shape for next year.  How did this year go?  Are you training hard or playing games?

The next session of programs starts the week of 12 & 19 August.  All kidding aside, we are getting into some of the best outdoor training conditions of the year.  I’ve been told by many that people think they need to precondition before joining Shark Fitness or have watched us from afar…just sign up.  Our classes are made up of 14 to 74-year-olds and appreciate a good challenge and work hard.  If you’re not with us…get out of our way because we have goals to earn.

Last week was Shark Week on the Discovery Channel.  Who doesn’t want to see 24 hour a day coverage of people and seals getting eaten for seven days?  For the first time, we challenged our Sharks to take five days in a row of the program…at no additional cost to them.  Now, training the same parts of your body five days a row on a regular basis is a really crappy idea…but tossing a unique challenge like this every now and then isn’t a bad thing.  It was inspired by our Trainer Lisa who decided to take all three Tuesday classes recently.  I joked with her one Tuesday about coming to the mid-morning and evening class after she finished the early program…so she decided to try it.  Exhausted and tired by the end of the day…but feeling good about pushing herself.  I often use Lisa an example of an extraordinary level of motivation and strength.  She’s most known for using seven bands for glute extensions but in fact, she uses a lot of resistance for everything…  She doesn’t boast or really like that I talk about her a lot (sorry Lisa).  What makes her a great person to showcase is that she doesn’t place limitations on herself and constantly tries to reach new levels.  The clients who took part in the Shark Week challenge loved it.  Among many great emails, this came in from a longtime client who started bringing his daughter to class:  “One of the highlights is being part of something bigger than fitness.  My daughter experienced firsthand that although we may not all be physical specimens; fitness comes in all shapes and sizes.  Seeing each individual push themselves to their personal limit is what matters and inspiration comes from seeing that every class.  She loves your class and thank you for allowing her to participate.  August 12 marks my 10th year in your program and although I can’t say “it’s been fun” every class… I can look back and say it’s been very rewarding with benefits that go well beyond staying in shape.”  It’s a Shark thing…you wouldn’t understand unless you’re one of us.

M/W/F 5:45am-STL Community College-Meramec/Kirkwood
M/W/F 6:00am-Shaw Park/Clayton
M/W/F 6:00am-Francis Park/St. Gabriel-St. Louis Hills
T/Th 5:45am-STL Community College-Meramec/Kirkwood
T/Th 9:30am-STL Community College-Meramec/Kirkwood
T/Th 5:30pm-Shaw Park-Clayton
Sat 8:00-9:30am-Whitecliff Park-Crestwood

UPCOMING PROGRAMS (in order of start date)

WHITECLIFF PARK-CRESTWOOD-SATURDAY MORNING (8:00-9:30am)-This is an ongoing program.  You may take a single class for $25 or buy a 2019 5 class punch card for $90 ($18 per class).  To register, please email for a release form and details.  Do not contact the community center.  The class meets near the sand volleyball court. Class cancellation info may be found on the front page of our website or on Facebook. Instructor:  Keath Hausher, CMFT.

SHAW PARK-CLAYTON-MON/WED/FRI MORNING (6:00-7:00am)-Class begins Monday, 12 August 2019. Class costs $182 members/residents/$196 nonresidents (Code 22382) for the five-week program.  You must register with the Center of Clayton in person, call 314-290-8500 or online at: to pay with credit card. Participants may use the locker and shower facilities.  Class meets at the south end of Shaw Park near Forest Park Parkway and can move inside the Center of Clayton gymnasium in the event of severe weather. Instructors:  Keath Hausher, CMFT/Brigit Johnson.

FRANCIS PARK -STL HILLS -MON/WED/FRI MORNING (6:00-7:00am)-Class begins Monday, 12 August 2019. Class costs $182 for the 14-class program.  Please register with before to the start of the program.  Outdoor classes start on Donovan near the playground and can go inside St. Gabriel’s gym when the weather is extreme.   This program CAN BE JOINED MIDSESSION.  Instructor:  Dale Bauer, CFT.

SHAW PARK-CLAYTON-TUE/THU EVENING (5:30-6:30pm)-Class begins Tuesday, 13 August 2019. Class costs $130 members/residents/$140 nonresidents (Code 22358) for the five-week program.  You must register with the Center of Clayton in person, call 314-290-8500 or online at: to pay with credit card. Participants may use the locker and shower facilities.  Class meets at the south end of Shaw Park near Forest Park Parkway. Instructors:  Keath Hausher, CMFT.

ST. LOUIS COM. COLLEGE-MERAMEC-MON/WED/FRI MORNING (5:45-6:45am)-Session begins Monday, 19 August 2019.  Register by calling the Continuing Education Dept. at 314-984-7777 PEDU 755 FO1).  Class fee is $195 for the 15-class program.  Participants may use the locker and shower facilities.  Please park in lots “P” and “O” off Geyer Rd., the gym entrance faces those lots.  Instructor:  Sarah Jaskiewicz, CFT.  Note:  The class may train inside if weather is severe.

ST. LOUIS COM. COLLEGE-MERAMEC-TUE/THU MORNING (5:45-6:45am)-Session begins Tuesday, 20 August 2019.  Register by calling the Continuing Education Dept. at 314-984-7777(PEDU 755  F02).  Class fee is $159 for the 12-class program.  Participants may use the locker and shower facilities.  Please park in lots “P” and “O” off Geyer Rd and meet near the gym entrance. Instructor:  Keath Hausher, CMFT.  Note: The class may inside outside if weather is severe.

ST. LOUIS COM. COLLEGE-MERAMEC-TUE/THU MID-MORNING (9:30-10:30am)-Session begins Tuesday, 20 August 2019.  Register by calling the Continuing Education Dept. at 314-984-7777(PEDU 755 F03).  Class fee is $159 for the 12-class program.  Participants may use the locker and shower facilities.  Please park in lots “P” and “O” off Geyer Rd and meet by the softball field.  Instructor:  Keath Hausher, CMFT.  Note: The class may train inside if weather is severe.

Megan O'BrienAugust 2, 2019