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One month left in 2020…how will it end for you? 

Healthwise, our Sharks will end the year on a very positive note and they will be in better shape than this time last year.  They have adapted, remained determined and truly kicked ass not only physically, but mentally as well. We have clients who dropped A LOT of weight, reduced their daily medications by 70% and achieved things physically that they


Megan O'BrienOne month left in 2020…how will it end for you? 

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Your Glory Days Don’t Have to be in the Past

What a Year Thus Far! Valentine’s Day went well, then the bottom fell out. Worldwide pandemic, riots, wildfires, hurricanes, political ads, more hurricanes…a lot more political ads. Halloween will have sling shots launching treats from the porch into open sacks on the street and some suggest that Thanksgiving should consist of liquids that can be sucked through masks. For some,


Megan O'BrienYour Glory Days Don’t Have to be in the Past

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Lazy Isn’t Welcome Here

I am going to get right to the point this month…I have lied to you. For years I have claimed that everyone can do Shark Fitness and that isn’t true. Physically, we can accommodate a very wide range of fitness levels.  However, we only have room for a small segment of the population…those who possess a high degree of kickassery and an


Megan O'BrienLazy Isn’t Welcome Here

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Registration open for October 2020 Boot Camps and Virtual Fitness Challenge!

October Boot Camp Registration is OPEN! Do YOU have what it takes to be a Shark? We believe there is an elite trainee inside every person willing do the work. Shark Fitness Training isn’t for everyone – just those with the resolve to train to their highest capacity and receive honest feedback about their performance. Join us for a challenging, balanced and


Megan O'BrienRegistration open for October 2020 Boot Camps and Virtual Fitness Challenge!

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Changes to Shark Fitness Training On Demand Library!

Hey Sharks! We are making some BIG improvements to our on demand library system and we need your help to migrate you to our new interface! Watch this 1 minute video or follow the steps below to migrate to our new and improved on demand library! 1.) Log in to your Vimeo Account, click your profile icon in the top


Megan O'BrienChanges to Shark Fitness Training On Demand Library!

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August 24, 2020

Decisions, Decisions, Decisions! The Discovery Channel just wrapped up their annual Shark Week.  Not to be outdone, National Geographic had Sharkfest 2020 for FIVE weeks. Clearly, sharks are cool and super interesting…  Everyone WANTS to be one of our Sharks but for some there is an inhibitive, self-imposed hurdle in the way. For 20 years, I’ve heard many comments about how people


Megan O'BrienAugust 24, 2020

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July 28, 2020

Shark Fitness Training Boot Camp Victories! Throughout the last few months, our Sharks have been an extraordinary group to watch.  They’ve learned how to connect to online classes, improvised training equipment, started each class with a smile…and ended it with a sweatier version of the same grin.  I’ve read and heard message after message of thanks for finding a way to continue


Megan O'BrienJuly 28, 2020

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May 4, 2020

Online Classes…How to Kick COVID’s Ass! I hope this finds you, your family and friends healthy and well.  The last couple of months have certainly been a challenge in many ways.  We have been asked to self-quarantine, close businesses, keep in touch via online meetings and in some cases, experience the loss of loved ones.  While some areas are relaxing


Megan O'BrienMay 4, 2020

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February 18, 2020

Spring is here!  That isn’t true.  However, it is just around the corner which means that our programs will soon head back outside where boot camps belong.  Another signal that warmer temps are on the horizon is the inevitable “beach ready” fitness campaign.  That’s crap.  That way of thinking, ignoring a few pounds over the winter, is a sure pathway


Megan O'BrienFebruary 18, 2020

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January 1, 2020

Shark Fitness is twenty years old!  I started developing the program in 1999 with the goal of creating a group fitness class that was inexpensive, informative, would accommodate a very wide range of fitness levels and most of all, produce excellent results for all who signed up.  At that time, the primary group training option was classes that asked clients


Megan O'BrienJanuary 1, 2020

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