If It’s Worth Doing, It’s Worth Doing Well. Let’s Talk Tempo!

What Part of the Lifting Movement Delivers the Results? Both – If You Lift With Proper Tempo Throughout 21 years of training civilians and military, I’ve stressed proper technique as being THE most important aspect of optimal training…followed very closely by high intensity. When you speak about correct training form, it generally can be broken down to two areas –


sharkfit2If It’s Worth Doing, It’s Worth Doing Well. Let’s Talk Tempo!

Fixed Machine, Barbell or Dumbbells – Which is best and WHY!

People are often intimidated by the free weights when they go to the gym and default to fixed machines, unintentionally performing less effective exercises. Gym confidence comes when you learn how to work in the gym – what exercises to perform, the proper sequence and tempo, and what equipment to use. Today’s Shark U. lesson takes a look at the


sharkfit2Fixed Machine, Barbell or Dumbbells – Which is best and WHY!

Why you should NEVER do dips.

Despite being one of THE most common exercises, chest and triceps dips are NOT a good movement. Not only do they have a very limited range of motion but also can damage and weaken the connective tissue in the shoulder.   What Should You Do Instead of Triceps Dips? The safe and more effective alternative is the triceps push-up. Unlike


sharkfit2Why you should NEVER do dips.

Oblique Ab Exercise: Low to High Hack

This is a great exercise to target the guts, specifically the obliques, but you must be diligent about the form. You can perform this exercise with a cable machine set on the lowest anchor point or use resistance bands with a low tie-off. Begin with your resistance band tied off low; squat down with your upper body rotated 90 degrees


sharkfit2Oblique Ab Exercise: Low to High Hack

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